Your Employee Benefits Resource

Investigate available insurance product offerings and assess their ability to meet the needs of the client. After obtaining the applicable census information, current in-force benefits, and primary goals
of a potential client, The Broker Network develops a comprehensive customized analysis of the ideal employee-benefit package.
Work with one or numerous insurance products and mold them into an integrated program that best meets the requirements of the enterprise and its employees. Most aspects of a benefits package can be tailored to fit the specific needs of a group.
We support the transition to the new coverages, assisting the client with issues like employee enrollment and employee communications. While other brokers may provide the installation of an insurance coverage and then conveniently disappear, we remain available as your resource throughout the process.
Provide ongoing services required to assure cost-effective protection of employees. Part of this maintenance includes assistance with claims, enrollment changes, and most importantly, an annual review of coverage(s) to assure that with each passing year, the in-force coverage(s) continue to meet the primary objectives of the group.
We reexamine your coverage 90 days before the renewal date, to make sure the coverage is still appropriate and offers the best protection. Then we negotiate for the best coverage at the best price, either from your current insurers or from new ones.
We tell you when something important occurs in the world of benefits and insurance that could impact your business.
Investigate available insurance product offerings and assess their ability to meet the needs of the client. After obtaining the applicable census information, current in-force benefits, and primary goals
of a potential client, The Broker Network develops a comprehensive customized analysis of the ideal employee-benefit package.
Work with one or numerous insurance products and mold them into an integrated program that best meets the requirements of the enterprise and its employees. Most aspects of a benefits package can be tailored to fit the specific needs of a group.
We support the transition to the new coverages, assisting the client with issues like employee enrollment and employee communications. While other brokers may provide the installation of an insurance coverage and then conveniently disappear, we remain available as your resource throughout the process.
Provide ongoing services required to assure cost-effective protection of employees. Part of this maintenance includes assistance with claims, enrollment changes, and most importantly, an annual review of coverage(s) to assure that with each passing year, the in-force coverage(s) continue to meet the primary objectives of the group.
We reexamine your coverage 90 days before the renewal date, to make sure the coverage is still appropriate and offers the best protection. Then we negotiate for the best coverage at the best price, either from your current insurers or from new ones.
We tell you when something important occurs in the world of benefits and insurance that could impact your business.